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Hotelli huoneilla, joissa on takka
Historiallinen hotelli
Mikä on kiinteistön historia? The home was built for Leo Snyder and his family, but they sold it a year later when his wife died during childbirth. From 1914 to 1998 the house and property were titled to women, which was unusual at the time. Among those to own the home were Emma Kirkpatrick, Lydia Craig (known for her wedding cakes), and Agnes and Evaline Buis. It was turned into an inn in 1989 by Susan Moehl and Penni Johnson. Nancy Miller and Mark Reichle took it over in 1998 and ran it as a B and B until they retired and sold it to Clemons Hospitality in 2019.
Minkä aikakauden ja/tai arkkitehtonisen tyylin mukaan kiinteistö on rakennettu? Georgian Revival
Onko kiinteistön ympärillä muita historiallisia rakennuksia? Yes, we're in the Country Club Plaza neighborhood of Kansas City and there are lots of famous homes here.
Onko kunnostustöitä tehty? Yes, it was recently restored in 2019 by the current owners. In 1989 11 bathrooms were added and in 1993 the back deck, pond, and barbecue went in and the veranda was enclosed.
Onko rakennuksen historiassa mainitsemisen arvoisia tärkeitä vieraita tai edellisiä omistajia? Almost all female owners, which was common through the century
Kuvailisitko kiinteistöä näin (tai onko se ollut aiemmin seuraavanlainen):
Vastauksia on viimeksi päivittänyt Southmoreland on the Plaza an Urban Inn